Saturday, March 14, 2020

Staying Healthy in a Viral Storm, by naturopath Pamela Jeanne

To maintain and even improve your health in this viral pandemic, we need to be aware of some important things. This is an opportunity to raise consciousness on truly staying healthy. The allopathic medical system has its focus eliminating and destroying the “invaders” with tactics for fighting pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. They can only offer a vaccine which is not available for this COVID-19 virus.

Naturopathic philosophy gives us something deeper, wiser, tried and true: support the organism. People who get very sick and sometimes die are those whose immunity is challenged or not fully functioning, as in infants and young children. Their immune systems are often not completely developed.

As humans age, poor immune response occurs as this system declines, becoming less robust to resist the attacks of viruses and other pathogens. In persons with chronic illness commonly seen over the age of 50-60, immune defense is busy dealing with that disease. Additionally, decreased good nutrition will contribute to poor immune response; the body has less ability to ward off or moderate a disease like the flu.

What I offer here is a more complete approach to not only good hand washing and other hygienic practices, but a full approach for increasing immune function. Here are my naturopathic suggestions for enhancing health.

1. Sleep well. It is the most important practice to promote healing. The body heals itself while we sleep. Many studies have verified this fact. Don’t cheat on sleep and do make up for lost sleep if it happens.

2. Reduce all SUGARS. This means all simple carbohydrates (white bread, cookies, candy, cakes, ice cream, etc.) Almost all packaged/processed foods contain ingredients unfavorable to health.

3. Moderate stress. Our western culture is very stressful, offering little to no recovery time. Animals in the wild are great teachers of relaxation after a stressful event. Take time to meditate, walk in nature, laugh, socialize and find joy. These are essential keys for wellness.

4. Hydration: and make it only water. Dehydration or caffeinated drinks add to the stress on the immune cells.

5. Reduce alcohol. Alcohol is dehydrating; it contains sugars and burdens the liver,  which processes the toxins found alcohol.

6. Nutrition is essential. Eat many fresh fruits and vegetables, and the more colorful the better. All berries are excellent; colorful veggies like red and orange peppers, purple potatoes and carrots of all colors, all dark greens and red tomatoes are just a few of many choices. Try adding in colorful yellow/orange squashes.

7. Fermented foods. Foods that are fermented directly support immunity. Immune cells line the entire Gastro-intestinal tract (called Secretory IgA). These cells help eliminate the threatening pathogens found in foods or anything we put into our mouth. Examples of fermented foods: yogurt (watch out for highly sugared yogurts), sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, miso, are the most available items. Taking a well formulated pro-biotic at least 50 billion a day is helpful. The body has a microbiome (all gut bacteria) that is also part of immune function.

8. Vitamin D is really a hormone, and needed for immune function. Get your level checked and take 2-5,000 IU’s a day. Here is a site where you can do your own testing:

9. Zinc is an essential mineral for immunity, take 20-30 mg a day.

10. Vitamin C 1,000 mg time release with bioflavonoids daily.

11. Mushroom Immune Formula that has several mushrooms, 2-3 times a week

12. Elderberry (Sambucas nigra) one teaspoon syrup daily

Don’t doubt that the body is resilient and can heal.

NOTE ABOUT DISINFECTANTS: There are other substances that are also effective in eliminating bacteria and viruses. Repeated use of toxic chemical can be a problem.  One such agent is thymol oil. It comes from the thyme plant and it has been shown to be quite effective in green cleaning and disinfection.

Historically, health and disease control has evolved from improved hygiene via public health measures. Hence the great importance of hand washing. Just do it more often in this pandemic. Anti-bacterial soaps are not more effective, just do 20 seconds of vigorous hand rubbing with soap under running water.

Be Well!

 Pamela Jeanne ND

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